2019, nahráno ve studiích Franz Kavkaz a Indies Studios.
- Beyond The Ninth Wave
- Dhá Lasair
- Old Traveller
- The Valley
- Not Today
- Failte
- The Moon And The River
- Beneath The Hill
- Farewell
Proč se album jmenuje právě Beyond the ninth wave, tedy Za devátou vlnou?
Devátá vlna je metaforické označení pro vyvrcholení negativní gradace, které vychází z námořní legendy, že devátá vlna je vždy nejhorší. V původním významu po deváté vlně přijdou menší vlny, které opět gradují k další deváté vlně. Tedy devátá vlna je chápána jako zatěžkávací zkouška, kterou kdo přežije, má vyhráno.
Devátá vlna má blízko i ke keltské mytologii neboť legendární "deváté vlně" vládne krásná keltská bohyně Cliodna a "za devátou vlnou" se nachází "keltský ráj", kde z mlh vystupuje rajský ostrov plný vodopádů, krásných žen a krásných ptáků.
Beyond the ninth wave stvořili:
1. Beyond the Ninth Wave (Hudba: Radek Krejčí)
2. Dhá Lasair (Hudba: Radek Krejčí, Text: Karel Peltán, Zdenka Motáčková)
3. Old traveller (Hudba: Jakub Janků, Text: Karel Peltán)
4. The valley (Hudba: Radek Krejčí, Text:
Karel Peltán)
5. Not today (Hudba: Jakub Janků, Text: Karel Peltán)
6. Failte (Hudba: Diana Taragel)
7. The moon and the river (Hudba: Radek Krejčí, Text:
Karel Peltán)
8. Beneath the hill (Hudba: Radek Krejčí, Text: Karel Peltán)
9. Farewell (Hudba: Radek Krejčí, Text: Karel Peltán)
Nahráno: Michal Janeček ve studiu Franz Kavkaz Studios (https://www.franzkavkaz.cz) a Dušan Souček ve studiu Indies Studios (https://www.studioindies.cz)
Mix a mastering: Michal Janeček
Cover a design: Mia Poveda
Zpěv: Hanka Hrubešová
Glowl: Karel Peltán
Klávesy: Radek Krejčí
Kytara: Tonda Buček
Bicí: Tomáš Jalůvka
Flétna: Hanka Osifová
Housle: Pavel Křenek
Malwina Szałęga - Zpěv (The moon and the river)
Natálie Ardaševová - Violoncello (Over the ninth wave, The moon and the river)
Linda Finsterlová - Housle (Over the ninth wave)
Jakub Janků - Basa (all songs), Double bass (Over the ninth wave), Bass synthesizer (The moon and the river), Dulcimer (Dhá Lasair)
David Křížek - Tuba (Over the ninth wave)
Lenka Jašková - Irská flétna, Tin whistle (The Valley, Old traveller, Beneath the hill)
Radomír Vrzal - Celtic Harp (The valley)
Petr Pavel - Jew's Harp, Bodhrán (Failte)
Veronika Faglicová - Hoboj (Farewell)
Terezie Horáková - Violoncello (Dhá Lasair)
David Golas - Kytara (Dha Lasair, Not today)
Diana Taragel - Flétna (Dha Lasair, Not today)
Napsali o albu:
2015, nahráno v Indies Studios a Franz Kavkaz
- Prologue
- Homecoming
- Shade of Victory
- Sky of Waves
- Clemency
- The Parley
- For Our Fate
- Mors Nobiscum
- Confession
- Valhőll
- Morrigan
Far Away in the North stvořili
1. Prologue (Hudba: Radek Krejčí, Text: Zdenka Motáčková)
2. Homecoming (Hudba:
Radek Krejčí, Text:
Michaela Hodecová and Adam Palacký)
3. Shade of Victory (Hudba:
Radek Krejčí, Text:
Michaela Hodecová and Adam Palacký)
4. Sky of Waves (Hudba:
Radek Krejčí, Text:
Adam Palacký)
5. Clemency (Hudba:
Diana Pazdírková)
6. The Parley (Hudba:
Jakub Janků, Text:
Michaela Hodecová and Adam Palacký)
7. For Our Fate (Hudba:
Radek Krejčí, Text:
Michaela Hodecová)
8. Mors Nobiscum (Hudba:
Radek Krejčí)
9. Confession (Hudba:
David Golas, Text:
Karel Peltán, David Golas)
10. Valhőll (Hudba:
David Golas, Text:
Karel Peltán, Anežka Chrudinová)
11. Morrigan (Hudba:
Diana Pazdírková)
Nahráno: Dušan Souček ve studiu Indies Studios (https://www.studioindies.cz) a Michal Janeček ve studiu Franz Kavkaz Studios (https://www.franzkavkaz.cz)
Mix a mastering: Dušan Souček
Cover a design: Mia Poveda
Natálie Ardaševová - Violoncello (Prologue, For our fate, Confession, Valhőll)
Petr Pavel - Jews harp, Bodhran (Clemency, Morrigan)
Pavel Hanousek - Housle (Valhőll)
Sbory (Valhőll): Lukáš Argiriu, Zlata Částková, Jaromír Durna, Kamila Jakubíková, Richard Kafoněk, Radek Krejčí, Tereza Krejčí, Zuzana Lolová, Ondřej Maxa, Tomáš Novotný, Kamila Veverková.
O písních
"We put our souls to this story, filled with pride, full of hope ..."
Skladba zobrazuje, že každý z nás má svůj životní příběh. Svou naději, trápení, radosti, zklamání a boj.
... with blade and hilt of wolfish soul ...
Píseň o skupině bojovníků, kteří se po vyhrané bitvě vrací do rodného kraje. Jsou vyčerpaní, ale šťastní, že přízeň bohů byla protentokrát na jejich straně...
Shade of victory
Byli zaslepeni slávou, bohatstvím a obdivem. Oslavovali svůj příchod z bitvy. Bojovali za svou zemi, za svého jarla. Při vší pýše je ani na vteřinu nenapadlo, že ne každé vítězství je konečné. Každému se nedá věřit....
Sky of waves
...Vikingové plují přes moře vybojovat další bitvu...
Doprovodná píseň bojovníků, kteří se vylodili na bojišti, kde se mají střetnout se svými nepřáteli. Namísto zaznění prvního tasení mečů k nim však promluvil Odin. Tóny Clemency s sebou přináší radost a veselí, protože bojovníkům bylo přislíbeno milosrdenství spolu s pozváním do Odinovy zlaté hodovní síně - Valhally. Jak to s nimi nakonec dopadne?
The Parley
...Střet dvou bratrů, kdysi rodina a nyní největší nepřátelé...
For our fate
...Zuřící bitva, bitevní song...
Mors Nobiscum
...Prohra, smíření s osudem...
..."Mistakes were made." I've told you all life long...
Confession vypráví o zradě. Když ho nejvíc potřebovali, opustil je. Nyní se ke svému činu doznává.
..."Cesta bojovníka", smrt, přílet Valkýr, velká oslava ve Valhalle...
Napsali o albu
Beyond the ninth wave
Belenos, protect our souls while are we playing chords.
Arianrhod, wake up hope, feel my flame to the bone.
Dance with us, take my hand to forget your pain.
Sing with us, I know your mind, you are wild take me higher.
Take my hand nymph, don't call me names,
this night is ours, we are twin flames.
With open eyes, you can see, that beast within me, it's not me...
with your soft face, it feels me,
your caring hand, holding me,
this moment never ends!
Cu allate, Wolfarian, join our pack, create legion, dance with me, take my hand to forget your pain. Sing with me, I know your mind, you are wild take me higher.
to enjoy our lives full of thorns,
so grab your mead and dance with us,
feel the moment, don't fight your lust ...
never dies, shapeless mist,
in our heads, tell yourself ...
we are same men, with different names,
unbound by will, but bound by blood,
so take my hand 'till this night is young.
when someone hurts you, I will bleed,
in this forest and at this night,
our minds will bend, bodies light.
that will grow in our soul's heat.
You don't want to, I can't fight,
but mind this feeling that never dies.
fire I cannot tame,
nature I cannot see,
so drop off your clothes and dance with me.
during the days, when the spirit is weak,
we take out our flaming songs,
our power to believe.
our stories, rhythm awake inner seer,
so hear our songs and feel and play,
from the last signs of the day.
fill in my body, take my feet,
step in, ignite our inner flame,
one we can become.
with the swift fresh wind which brightly sings,
so shine and burn and dance with me,
we have reason to be.
during the days, when the spirit is weak,
I am the light that leads you out,
the forest of your fears.
under the moon, under the sun,
so take my hand and at least try,
because this never ... dies!
Old Traveller
Thrown into world, without scars on face,
to race in the maze of life grown by the other ones.
Everything glows, slowly it flows,
right under your nose, that's the story that just began.
The first thing you know, that no one's your foe,
so keep your head low, and learn everything you can.
Listen to what is said, roll into the sheets,
not everything what's hurt, will also bleed.
Go forth; obey the ward of Aengus!
As the sun goes up and shines upon you,
light enlights the truth, that black does have so many shades.
One thing is right, the other is left,
so is it the theft, when don't you have another choice?
Stay true to your mind, don't delve on align,
right under the rind, sweet life-giving sap flows through.
Walk with the course, believe in your skills,
thrills are the best way, to overcome your biggest hills.
Go forth; follow the road of Cernunnos!
Thoughts about past with an accent of the flame,
casting shadows back to roots of the way.
Light that shines out of tomorrow land,
challenging path is a wide open hand.
You walk alone, towards your own síd,
with the seed of strange need, seer need two eyes to see.
Swallowed by warm, red, wet, boiling love,
it sticks by your side, provides you hefty, needful shove.
Hold your dove tight, sweet white wings of hope,
spread them and wave, be sure you feel elope.
Butter is spread, throats have been fed,
so sad times are gone, gave reason to stand and fight.
Go forth; stay true; feel warm of Olwen!
The lines were drawn, so long and so thick,
build brick by the brick, formed the wall, that cannot fall.
Along it is the stream, flowing, swift and bright,
turning the wheels, that endlessly and surely grind.
Turn head around, just look back and see,
how your road is pawed, by fruits of your loving breed.
Night falling down, swan is curving her neck,
yet closing your lids to slip into the darkness of another birth.
Fell dark; See light; embrace the Ibormeith!
Thoughts about past with an accent of the flame,
casting shadows back to roots of the way.
Light that shines out of tomorrow land,
challenging path is a wide open hand.
Like path go on aimed towards better days,
casting soft spells that wrinkles up your face.
Old traveller
passes through an unknown land. It shapes and it forms...
Thoughts about past with an accent of the flame,
casting shadows back to roots of the way.
Light that shines out of tomorrow land,
challenging path is a wide open hand.
Like path go on aimed towards better days,
casting soft spells that wrinkles up your face.
Old traveller
passes through an unknown land. It shapes and it forms,
it follows his commands.
Tremendous task that will ask put your mask down.
Dive deep inside then emerge with the new crown.
Everything now it's a woe, it is small bound.
Feel it, belief, hear the sound, which flows through the ground.
The Valley
Over hills, where the valley is low,
into vault made of leaves I will go,
with the mountain stream, I flow,
in the moonshine, I can howl.
During nights when the light won't shine,
followed by days without sign,
so far away I hear,
the calling of my stream.
Then he comes, whirling up my pool,
his footsteps ploughed away my jewel,
thunder strikes and he's away,
no light, nor dark, just grey.
Heavy clouds crying out their pain,
dreadful storm keeps my peace away,
so I close my eyes and see,
the valley, oaks and me.
Over hills, where the valley is low,
there was a place where I used to go.
Not today
Shout from the nowhere,
wakes me up from nightmares,
does it look like I care?
Just first step on my road.
I raise up when I fall
and choose which way to go,
I maybe slip away ...
Shout from the nowhere,
wakes me up from nightmares,
does it look like I care?
another way to go.
When your head falls apart,
while sadness tears your heart,
all you have to say:
Shout from the nowhere,
wakes me up from nightmares,
does it look like I care?
Another rock on road.
I walk across the lands
and try to understand,
with music in my heart,
Shout from the nowhere,
wakes me up from nightmares,
does it look like I care?
Another rock on road.
I walk across the lands
and try to understand,
with music in my heart,
Shout from the nowhere,
hunts me in my nightmares,
does it look like I care?
I hear it well and clear.
When I fall in the night sky,
I feel like I could die,
It's blowing off my light,
Shout from the nowhere,
that I heard in nightmares,
telling me how I dare,
stand against my fate.
When I lost my lead,
it doesn't mean I bleed,
my wounds will heal up fast...
Shout from the nowhere,
fade away like the nightmare,
cannot step in a snare,
when my eyes are open wide!
Every road have end,
everyone must bend,
fall down and obey...
The Moon and the river
Deep places around,
bound under the hide,
left behind my decay
asking ...
... why I do need hide
like there is no tide,
to take me far away.
I feel a shadow in light,
betrayal in dawn
of the new life.
Stream, please let me know,
I embrace your flow
will you take me home?
Look straight into the eye,
sailing through the night,
deep in your heart
crawling in the dark ...
... afraid of the light,
tangled by night,
Revive and you will find.
Light, on every wave,
Trust, in your / my crave,
In the new life.
Shine, shine my bright reel,
Swallow dark dream,
With the moonlight glow.
Light, on every wave,
Trust, in your / my crave,
In the new life.
Shine, shine my bright reel,
Swallow dark dream,
With the moonlight glow.
I feel shadow in light,
Betrayal in dawn
OF the new life.
Stream, please let me know,
I embrace your flow,
Will you take me home?
Reel Is shadow in light,
Believe in new dawn,
Of the old life.
Dream will let you glow,
Is base for your growth,
It will take you home.
Beneath the Hill
Sun is falling over the meadow,
Behind me is growing shadow,
Drawing road back to my sorrow,
Beneath the Hill.
The fallen bird sang a song about two,
Every tone was loyal to you,
Now it's sealed over the ninth wave,
Beneath the Hill.
Bounded by obsession,
Led by your aggression,
Tension humiliation,
In tears od depression.
Finders keepers,
Voiceless speakers,
Twisted hearts are
restless weepers,
Trapped in depths of the sea.
Our love crushed
Beneath all this weight,
Bait of fate
was swollen with hate,
Carried without the will,
Thrown beneath the Hill.Dark Is screaming, echo stays quiet,
Think of me, please bring me your light,
Morrigan is tightening her bight,
Beneath the Hill.
Once a time stone wall broke apart,
The light went in and comforted my heart,
I am free and he departed,
Beneath the Hill.Gift of the guild was given,
Received, cared and driven,
Shriven, Unforgiven,
Buried down and hidden.
Finders keepers,
Voiceless speakers,
Twisted hearts are
restless weepers,
Trapped in depths of the sea.
Our love crushed
Beneath all this weight,
Bait of fate
was swollen with hate,
Carried without the will,
Thrown beneath the Hill.
I found understanding,
The grief that's never ending,
Leaving what is trending,
Covered me with red ink.
Finders keepers,
Voiceless speakers,
Twisted hearts are
restless weepers,
Trapped in depths of the sea.
Our love crushed
Beneath all this weight,
Bait of fate
was swollen with hate,
Carried without the will,
Thrown beneath the Hill.
Tainted mind faded away,
Delayed, deep down betrayed,
Persuade heart to the blockade,
I'm here, giving you aid.
Climb up, into fresh air,
It's my burden to bare,
stop this pointless warfare,
this is last declare!
Deep, Calm forest. As dark as the night sky above.
The wind plays with the branches as it does with the waters
and creates the waves on this sanctuary of life.
And on the places, where the moonshine touches the ground,
the spirits, guardians of the forest, dance around.
Human, don't you care?
Well ... you don't see.
You don't have to be.
You are here thanks to me.
Yeah ... your future here depends on me.
Human, don't you care?
Well ... you don't see.
You don't have to be.
You are here thanks to me.
Yeah ... your future here depends on me.
I see your face,
your beauty, your grace.
But I'm afraid,
I can't stop this reign,
of our shade,
which comes from our fame,
that we obey away.
Look at kind of mine,
our hunger, our grind,
we need to thrive,
to stay here alive,
to spread our fate,
our one pointless truth,
which keeps us so far from you ...
FIRE is cleaning this forest,
devouring way for freedom,
and advance, so humans can last!
Axe, and rope, in our hands,
will tame all sprouts and waters,
of nature, all living will serve!
Human, don't you care?
Well ... you don't see.
You don't have to be.
You are here thanks to me.
Yeah ... your future here depends on me.
Human, don't you care?
Well ... you don't see.
You don't have to be.
You are here thanks to me.
Yeah ... your future here depends on me.
See, our progress, our power,
neverending desire for control,
you survive, or die!
Sleep and dream and let us
spread our hands all around you
forever, and obscure the sky!
Human, you breathe through me,
You live on me.
You don't have to be.
You are here thanks to me.
Yeah ... your future here depends on me.
Far away in the north
We put our souls to this story, filled with pride, full of hope. Sworn to Gods we're gonna fight for victory. Until the heat of battlefields burns out, until the last stormy wave in the sea calms down, we can' t find peace.
These tones are our memory, testimony guiding and protecting our steps. And these mountains, forests and rivers are our witnesses...
anything, that cannot let you sleep at night?
Morrigan - I have a bad feeling my lord, something terrible happened.
Lord - Tell me, what bothers you?
Morrigan - In my dream... An army, carnage... death
Lord - Death you say? Lots of good warriors fell in battle. But now we are at peace, VICTORY IS OURS!
Morrigan - I wish it was true my lord, but my dream was as real as there are stars up in the sky.
Lord - A raven... Was there a raven in your dream
Morrigan - Flying above thousands of pikes. Crying the battlesong, it was flowing fear through my veins.. yes, black raven.
Lord - That´s what I was afraid of...
Morrigan - My lord ?
Lord - Morrigan, my child, goddess of my people entered your mind and warned us. Anything else? Was there a person?
Morrigan - Yes my lord, he was running away, I could not see his face.
Lord - So be it... THEY BETRAYED US!!!
Ragnar: I don't want to fight and war with you brother anymore
Join me to overrule seas and the world, here is your sword...
Ragnar: One leader's blood, one brotherhood, don't blemish my heart and my soul
Look, one nordic frozen land, two tribes and hate which dominates...
Jorgen: Save your tears
for the day
you will kneel
by my reign
are you afraid
of my rage
you´re nothing, but
Ref.: I remember days, when we children were
So innocent, pure and young
Back to our past I would come and changed
The monster which is in you now
Memories of me, memories of you
Riding horses, fighting together
With our wooden swords
Behaving like lords
Oh, how I miss it my brother
Jorgen: Hear my words
all of you
Ragnar´s old
pathetic men
I will not undergo
you will not
be my lord
Ragnar: This kindly kingdom's big enough for both of us, you're not my slave
Selfish Jorgen, please do stop now this madness, because it's worthless...
Jorgen: Odin be
by my side
guide by blow
and my strike
no more hum
taste my blade
can you feel?
It´s your death
Ragnar: Swallowing pain, I'm so sorry for what you feel about me
Banish craving for revenge, tempting sweet potion in your veins
Sibling of mine is repressed by inferiority
Venom, fear and anger are haunting you like a quarry
Ref.: I remember days, when we children were
So innocent, pure and young
Back to our past I would come and changed
The monster which is in you now
Memories of me, memories of you
Riding horses, fighting together
With our wooden swords
Behaving like lords
Oh how I miss it my brother
Ref.: I remember days, when we children were
So innocent, pure and young
Back to our past I would come and changed
The monster which is in you now
Memories of me, memories of you
Riding horses, fighting together
With our wooden swords
Behaving like lords
Oh how I miss it my brother